Saturday 31 January 2015


Firstly can you believe month 1 of 2015 is over??!

So this month we have had a busy one, once again I think one day I will become accustomed to the idea that all our days will be busy. After our lovely visit to Queenscliff we had a week at home resting. 

During the hot days Boo and I stayed about the house trying to keep cool. During the second week spent many an afternoon on the verandah where I read or listened to the lovely Annabelle Crabbe  or reading a book. Boo was thouroughly entertained and cooled down by a water table, brilliant toy especially once he got the hang of not pouring water through the holes that went on to the verandah. Needless to say a very cool and wet way to spend a day.

Bean and I had a midwife check up and all is going beautifully. Hubby has painted the nursery ceiling and we have assbled the cot. I have also been through and sorted out baby clothes from the stored clothes. I have also cancelled the baby sprinkle as with all the upcoming trips and painting I really won't have time and would much rather spend the time as just the 3 before we become 4. 

I am really excited as one of the things I want to do with my little clan is camp and we have received an invite to a camping birthday on Labour day weekend. ( there are only minor jokes about labour day becoming you know labour day) The best bit is that it is a soft intro for Hubby as it will be glamping in bunk accom with a communal kitchen. I am really excited. 

For the last week of January Boo and I headed back to Queenscliff to stay with my Grandmother while the doors in our house were painted. We had a lovely visit though once again not quite warm enough for a swim. Grandma has declared boo a delightful boy who is welcome back any time. 

I hope you are all well and would love to know what were the highlights for you this January? 

Regards Andii 

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